How do I invite someone to join a group album?

MOBILE: Go to the the specific group album you want to invite people to and tap on the "Settings" icon (this is a gear/cog on iPhone, and an icon with settings sliders on Android). Once in the Settings screen tap "Invite New Members" and continue from there. 

WEB: Go to the specific group album you want to invite people to and on the top banner (with your cover photo, the group album's name and all the members' profile circles) click the very left-hand profile circle which has a plus sign. You should then be prompted to enter the name or email address of the person you'd like to invite.

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    I am trying to invite someone to an album and the above directions are not making sense to me. I do not see what you wrote anywhere on my page or album. are there new directions since this is 2 years old?

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    All the 'help' looks at least 2 years old or even 5 to me?? Is anyone alive there? Or has everyone moved to new pastures?

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    Karen Muntzenberger

    I have sent an invite multiple times to people and some never get it. Does anyone know why?


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